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ale mari luigi

  Maturita classica, graduated in economia azendale e organizzazione del lavoro, MA in formazione esperienziale. Between 2006 and 2010 I worked in Germany as a consultant in e-commerce for EBay and as a manager for BASF. I speak German, English and French. In recent years I have been researching areas such as social networking, web-marketing, and 2.0 communication. I am an AGESCI certified teacher as well as a partner of Libera. I am passionate about organisational theories, communication, politics, education and the environment. 



  After obtaining a Political Science degree from the University of Essex, I specialized in Political Communication at a Masters level at the London School of Economics and Political Sciences. I began working in this sector immediately as a researcher for the English public sector at IFF Research and PSB Associates. I became senior researcher in the field of education for EdComs, managing research projects on behalf of private and public organisations ranging from the British Education and Health Department to Google. After over ten years of studying and working abroad, in 2010 i returned to Italy as Research Manager for European Alternatives. I have worked on different Italian political campaigns and elections from 2006 to 2008 and the administrative elections of 2011 and 2012. I speak English, Italian and Spanish. 



Video Animator and Youth Educator
Maria vive e lavora a Milano come insegnante e formatrice. Si occupa di intercultura, educazione nell'era digitale e filosofia con i bambini. Realizza video animazioni e trailer.

Libero professionista nel settore della comunicazione grafica con sede a Santu Lussurgiu in Sardegna, nasce come impaginatore editoriale e dopo alcuni corsi di approfondimento si perfeziona anche come web-designer e grafico pubblicitario.